

1 Sending Email from SiteAudit

Sending Email from SiteAudit This document explains how to send email from Netaphor SiteAuditâ„¢. SiteAudit can send notifications and reports by email. For this to work, an SMTP server must be accessible from the computer where the Netaphor SiteAudit Monitor…

2 Using Rules and Formats with Notifications

Notification Basics Notifications are simply a means of reporting printer incidents, which are either printer events or user-defined thresholds. SiteAudit can detect printer incidents and send notifications to targeted individual(s). Notification of a printer…

3 Using Threshold Rules With Email Notifications

Threshold rules are used in conjunction with notification rules to alert individuals to conditions defined by the user. SiteAudit allows administrators to define threshold conditions for which they want to be informed but for which printers are incapable…