
Netaphor SiteAudit™ OnSite GDPR Statement

Reference Number: AA-01029 Views: 4012 Last Updated: 02-09-2018 12:03 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

15 February, 2018

Netaphor Partner

Sales Companies

English Speaking Countries

Netaphor SiteAudit
 is a software monitoring tool for tracking and managing printer costs. It uses industry standard protocols like SNMP to collect printer data and evaluate it for reporting and alerting on a continuous basis.

SiteAudit OnSite is an on premise solution and the database itself resides inside the customer’s firewall.  Access to the data is granted and controlled by the end customer administrator and not by Netaphor.

By default SiteAudit does not collect personal data.  There is no personal data collected which can reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or union membership, data for the processing of genetic data, etc… or any data that could identify directly or indirectly a natural person. 

There is an option for job tracking but this must be set by and approved by the administrator.  Job tracking identifies the login name, the document name printed and the number of pages printed.  By default this option is disabled but can be enabled by the end customer administrator and not by Netaphor.

Given the above it is our understanding using SiteAudit does not pose a compliance risk in meeting the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 



Brian Anderson

Vice President Sales and Marketing
Netaphor Software, Inc.

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