
Pre-Deployment & Deployment Checklist

Reference Number: AA-00904 Views: 1894 Last Updated: 08-24-2022 09:01 AM 0 Rating/ Voters




Description/Additional Notes





Server H/W

Verify HW requirements based on SiteAudit specifications

Generally, the larger the # devices the more powerful server HW is required for the DCA.  

Recommended minimum display resolution 1366 x 768



Verify SW requirements based on SiteAudit specifications

.NET 4.8, Windows 10, 11 Server 2016, 2019, 2022









SQL Server DB must be available to SA





Software and pre-requisites must be downloaded

At a minimum DB_OWNER access must be provided.  DB can be created prior to the install or at the time of installation.  SQL Server 2016/2017/2019/2022 are supported


Download from: All pre-requisites must be installed (i.e. SQL, MS Office Tools, etc.) prior to installing SiteAudit. Ensure that the any Windows updates have also been made




Network Scan List

Obtain list of networks, ranges and individual IP Addresses to be included in discovery

This information is normally provided by a network admin.  The list can be inserted into an file that can be imported into SiteAudit


Network Exclusion List

Obtain list of networks, ranges and individual IP Addresses to be excluded in discovery

Typical items to exclude would be UPS devices, DNS servers, mail servers, routers and switches.


SNMP Community String(s)

Obtain read community strings

Network admins normally have this information.  Common defaults are pre-populated.  Printer web pages have the community string(s) on them.  Community string can be imported.


Locally Attached Printers

Obtain credentials for access

Credentials must allow access to the WMI objects remotely.  Typically domain admin credentials will suffice.  This information cannot be imported and must be entered on the machine where the DCA will be running.




Protocol Access

Protocols SiteAudit uses – SNMP, WMI, CPCA, NPAP, HTTP – must be allowed

Firewall(s) must allow the SA DCA to use the protocols described previously.  For WMI access local hosts must allow WMI access.


White Listing

SA DCA Host should be whitelisted so that it will not be blocked

During discovery SA DCA will appear as a port scanner to security SW.  To prevent this it should be whitelisted.




Mail Server

Obtain SMTP server configuration

SMTP server is used to send notifications and scheduled reports.


Department Hierarchy

Obtain organization details (physical/logical)

Organization information can be imported.  Devices can automatically be assigned to a part of the organization if the network is organized appropriately.



Reporting and Notifications



Description/Additional Notes






Decide on content, delivery and schedule of reports.  Also decide on who gets what reports and when.

View file based reports can be scheduled and delivered using email or placed in a specific location. 



Decide on content and reporting format (XLSX or PPTX)

Reports can be scheduled or run on demand.  SiteAudit Analyzer w Designer mode can be used to design new reports



Obtain floor plans and device locations

SA data can be updated on a floor plan by updating the data source





Decide on what kinds of notifications are required.

Ensure that the mail server configuration is correct


Notifications can be delivered by email to a person or to a helpdesk system and customized for that system.



For Consumable thresholds decide on devices and levels


Notifications can be delivered on threshold incidents.

Accessibility thresholds are useful to know if communication w a device has been lost

MAC thresholds are useful to know when devices are discovered or moved





Decide if a separate host should be used for notifications

Notifications can be run on a separate host to maximize resources on the DCA host for monitoring purposed only.





Obtain plug-in information from provider

Plug-ins often have a URL, credentials and a schedule on which the data should be uploaded.


BackOffice Services

Obtain BackOffice Server information

BackOffice Servers have a URL, credentials and a schedule on which the data should be uploaded.


SiteAudit Predeployment Check List_GERMAN.docx 22.9 Kb Download File