
Scheduled Report Options

Reference Number: AA-00865 Views: 11881 Last Updated: 09-19-2022 12:45 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

SiteAudit Reports can be generated using the C:\Program Files\Netaphor\SiteAudit\SiteAuditScheduledReports.exe application. This application can be run directly from the Command Prompt, or from a .bat file and is most commonly used with the Microsoft Task Scheduler to schedule reports to be run periodically on a schedule. The Scheduling Reports in SiteAudit article describes how to use the Microsoft Task Scheduler to schedule reports.

This document describes the various command line arguments available for use with the SiteAuditScheduledReports application.

Scheduled Reports Basic Information

The SiteAuditScheduledReports application is used to generate SiteAudit reports using a template. The template is a .view file that is created from within the SiteAudit Viewer. This template contains information such as

  • the data to be included in the report
  • the type and format of the report including headers, footers, font, colors, etc.
  • if and to whom the report should be emailed
  • if and where the report is to be archived

It is mandatory to specify a view file template when using the SiteAuditScheduledReports application. This view file template directs the application to extract data from the SiteAudit database and create the desired report. The application emails and/or archives the report is the desired formats as specified in the view file template. The following is an example of the simplest command that can produce a scheduled report.

C:\Program Files\Netaphor\SiteAudit>SiteAuditScheduledReports.exe "C:\MyReportTemplates\LifetimeCounters.view"

SiteAudit Hosted 

DCF files are used as a secure mechanism for identifying which customers to use when running scheduled reports. A separate report is generated for each customer in the DCF.

For more information on creating and using DCF key files, please reference Creating and Using DCF Files with SiteAudit.

Scheduled Reports Arguments 

There are four arguments available for use with the SiteAuditScheduledReports application. These include

Argument Description
 -viewfile specifies the path and name of the template used to generate the scheduled report. The use of the -viewfile argument is mandatory when used in conjunction with any other argument. When using this argument be sure to enclose the template path and file name within quotes. The -viewfile argument is optional ONLY when no other arguments are used.
 -keyfile identifies the hosted customers(s) for which to generate reports. A SiteAudit DCF file is used to specify which customer data to retrieve for reports.
-culturename   indicates the language of the scheduled report and is independent of the operating system language where the report is generated. The culturename can be entered in formats that include culture or culture and locale such as en or en-US

Sample usage of arguments are described below. The most common usage is highlghted.

  • -viewfile 
    C:\Program Files\Netaphor\SiteAudit> SiteAuditScheduledReports.exe -viewfile "C:\MyReportTemplates\LifetimeCounters.view"

  • -keyfile 
    C:\Program Files\Netaphor\SiteAudit> SiteAuditScheduledReports.exe -viewfile "C:\MyReportTemplates\LifetimeCounters.view" -keyfile "C:\MyReportTemplates\db.sadcf"

  • -culturename 
    C:\Program Files\Netaphor\SiteAudit> SiteAuditScheduledReports.exe -viewfile "C:\MyReportTemplates\LifetimeCounters.view" -culturename de
  • C:\Program Files\Netaphor\SiteAudit> SiteAuditScheduledReports.exe -viewfile "C:\MyReportTemplates\LifetimeCounters.view" -keyfile "C:\MyReportTemplates\dbkeyfile.sadcf" -culturename en-US