
SiteAudit Hosted Platform Requirements

Reference Number: AA-00724 Views: 7522 Last Updated: 08-14-2023 07:19 AM 0 Rating/ Voters
SiteAudit Hosted Platform Requirements

This article contains guidelines for the minimum platform requirements for Netaphor SiteAuditâ„¢ Hosted client and DCA machines. 

Review this checklist before deploying SiteAudit Hosted Clients.

Platform Requirements Guidelines

The SiteAudit Hosted Client runs on Windows platforms and virtual machines. Supported operating systems are listed in the chart below. 
Physical hardware performs better than virtual machines. It is imperative to meet or exceed the minimum requirements for physical hardware when using a virtual machine.

Hosted Control Panel & DCA Requirements

The DCA machine is where the SiteAudit Hosted Data Collection Agent (DCA) runs and is used to discover and monitor assets. The Control Panel machine contains the software used to manage DCAs and run reports.  Both machine requires .NET Framework 4.8. It is recommended to install all operating system patches and latest version of .NET Framework before installing the DCA.

The DCA software can be obtained using a link to download the installer from the Hosted server. Once the DCA software has been installed, the link can no longer be used. The DCA is upgraded automatically when new software is available.


Internet access is required to download, install, and run the DCA and Control Panel.

The SiteAudit Hosted DCA link is a single-use link. Once the software is downloaded and installed, the link is no longer valid. The DCA software can be installed on one machine only. Contact your administrator to obtain a new link if the DCA is to be moved to a new machine. 

Control Panel Access

The Control Panel uses Microsoft Azure Identity to provide access to customer databases. Users must have an Office 365 account to sign-in and use the Control Panel. Use of your own corporate email account enables the security provided by your company IT department including multi-factor authentication (MFA), password reset information, and password security requirements. 

DCA & Control Panel Hardware Requirements

The following table shows the minimum hardware requirements for the DCA and Control Panel machines


# Devices





Control Panel




Operating System




Operating System






Windows   10, 11




Windows   10, 11, 2016, 2019, 2022








Dual   Processor Quad Core 2.2Mhz or better




Dual   Processor Quad Core 2.2Mhz or better






200MB   free hard disk space




200MB   free hard disk space




Server   2016, 2019, 2022




Windows   10, 11, 2016, 2019, 2022








Dual   Processor Quad Core 2.2Mhz or better




Dual   Processor Quad Core 2.2Mhz or better






400MB   free hard disk space




200MB   free hard disk space




Server   2016, 2019, 2022


16GB   RAM


Windows   10, 11, 2016, 2019, 2022








Dual   Processor Quad Core 2.2Mhz or better




Dual   Processor Quad Core 2.2Mhz or better






400MB   free hard disk space




200MB   free hard disk space




Server   2016, 2019, 2022


32GB   RAM


Windows   10, 11, 2016, 2019,  2022








Dual   Processor Quad Core 2.2Mhz or better




Dual   Processor Quad Core 2.2Mhz or better






600MB   free hard disk space




200MB   free hard disk space












DCA Resources
Additional processor/memory may be required for larger environments depending on network topology or other environmental factors

Browser Requirements

Although other browsers may work with SiteAudit Hosted v7.5, the following evergreen browsers are supported and recommended.

Browser Minimum Version
Edge Chromium 79.0.309.68
Chrome 79.0.3945.117
EdgeHTML 18.18363