
Monitor Service Fails to Start in Timely Fashion

Reference Number: AA-00290 Views: 10189 Last Updated: 10-06-2011 11:48 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

There are cases with some slower Windows 2003 servers where the Netaphor SiteAudit Monitor service times out and is not able to start.  This issue can be fixed by increasing the registry timeout period.

Netaphor Event Log Error Message

The following error message is displayed in the Netaphor event log and users may receive a popup message with similar content.

Monitor Service Not Starting in Timely Fashion

The Netaphor SiteAudit Monitor service failed to start due to the following error:  The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

The following MSDN article explains how to fix this issue in the article, How to debug Windows services and the relative parts of this article are shown below. 

Manually Changing the Services Timeout Period

This section describes how to manually set the registry timeout period.  In this case, the timeout period is set to 5 minutes

  1. In Registry Editor on the machine where the Netaphor SiteAudit Monitor service runs, locate, and then right-click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control 
  2. Create New DWORD and name it, ServicesPipeTimeout. 
  3. Right-click the ServicesPipeTimeout registry entry that you created in step 2, and then click Modify. 
  4. Set the Base to Decimal and enter the value 300000 (5 minutes in milliseconds) 
  5. Restart the computer. You must restart the computer for Service Control Manager to apply this change.

Executing Registry File

This section describes how to update the services timeout period using the file attached at the end of this article.

  • Download and extract the content of the file onto the machine where the Netaphor.  
  • Double-click  the 30min_ServicesPipeTimeout.reg file and this will automatically update the services timeout period.
  • Reboot the computer.
  • Start the Netaphor SiteAudit Monitor service

Content of 30min_ServicesPipeTimout.reg 
The attachment contains a registry file that when double-clicked, will update the services timeout period in the registry.  The registry must be updated on the machine where the Netaphor SiteAudit Monitor service is installed.  It is required to reboot the computer after making this change.

The following code is contained within the 30min_ServicesPipeTimeout file and will set the timeout period to 30 minutes. 


Attachments 341 b Download File