It is possible for users to customize the Reporting Web site and remove or add new folders. This article explains how to delete an existing folder and to add a folder for your personal reports.
Reporting Web Site Overview
The Reporting Web site contains a repository of reports that users can generate at any time to see data that has been collected. The files that exist on the Reporting Web site are .view files and are essentially templates that describe the data that is to be shown when the report is run. Reports are grouped in folders for convenience.

Each folder contains a group of relative reports that can be produced in various formats. The report name describes the report and the template date specifies when the the report template was created. It is important to note that each time a report is generated, it produces data based on the specification defined in the template. For instance, if the Time span is set to Last 30 days for the template, then any time the report is generated, it will contain data for the prior 30 days from when the report is run.
The folders in the tree on the left have a corresponding folder on the file system located at C:\Program Files\Netaphor\SiteAudit\ReportingWebSite\AppData as shown below

Note that the names of the folders on the file system have no spaces in them. When you create your own folders, you'll want to be sure there are no spaces in the folder name. The corresponding folder names displayed on the Reporting Web site are defined in the web.sitemap file located in the root of the ReportingWebSite folder.
Site Map Folder Specification
The sitemap identifies the folder structure and folder names displayed on the Reporting Web site. The following data is contained in the Web.sitemap file installed in the root folder of the Reporting Web site, C:\Program Files\Netaphor\SiteAudit\ReportingWebSite

Note that there is a siteMapNode for each folder shown on the Reporting Web site. Three properties exist for each report folder node: url, title, and description. These are described below.
The url property contains folder name and path. All url properties must end with the Default.aspx page. For example, suppose you want a folder at the root named TEST. The url value for this would be: TEST/Default.aspx. If you want the TEST folder placed as a child of the MyReports folder, the url value should be: MyReports/TEST/Default.aspx. It is important to note that spaces are not allowed in the url property. When publishing a view to the Reporting Web site, it must be published to the folder specified here. In this example, users should publish new views to the MyReports\TEST folder,
The title property value contains the folder name that is displayed in the browser. Titles are permitted to contain spaces. Users can enter any text for the title value however, it makes most sense to have the title match the URL folder name as closely as possible.
The description property allows the site administrator to enter a description for the folder. This description will be displayed as a tooltip when users hover over the folder name on the Reporting Web site page.
Creating Your Own Folder for Reports
To create your own folder for hosting your custom reports, two things must be done
- Create a new folder on the file system under the MyReports folder. This folder must contain alpha numeric characters (staring with a character) and have no spaces
- Update the web.sitemap file to specify the name of your new folder and the friendly name that is displayed on the Reporting Web site
Deleting an Existing Folder
To delete an existing folder on the Reporting Web site, two things must be done
- Delete the folder and its content from the file system
- Delete the folder entry in the web.sitemap