
SLA Analysis View

Reference Number: AA-00547 Views: 756 Last Updated: 08-30-2023 03:26 PM 0 Rating/ Voters
Counters in SLA Analysis view

The SLA Analysis view provides information about SLAs (Service Level Agreements).

This view shows the amount of Uptime and downtime for networked printers only.

Columns include:  

  • Downtime - the percentage of time the printer is down (this is based upon the SLA criteria specified)
  • Uptime - the percentage of time the printer is up during the work hour calendar period
  • In-Time Incidents - the number of incidents that occur during the SLA time period
  • Out-Time Incidents - the total number of incidents that occur 
  • Legacy Uptime - old calculation of device uptime

The In-Time and Out-time incidents are those incidents defined in the the SLA
The full list of available data is shown in the column chooser on the right side of this page.

Applications and Benefits

The SLA Analysis view is useful for seeing whether printers are compliant with an SLA. Compliance might be described in terms of being available to print at all times between 8 AM and 5 PM, Monday through Friday, or having Uptime of at least 90%.  

If the SLA defines a period of time, such as 8-5 M-F, issues that occur outside that period do not count toward the downtime, however these incidents are counted in the Out-Time Incidents. A printer can be down all night and all weekend and not negatively affect the Uptime. 

It is possible for users to create a threshold to be notified when the Uptime falls below a limit, which will give time to address the issue before penalties occur. See Thresholds & Notifications.